This is the toy I got (we found real kinder eggs today with the chocolate shell).
No pictures. My mom said she was expecting that we would take the bus on Sundays since we´re a little short on time to make the whole Camino. Since we didn´t realize this was an expectation, we took the bus today. We walked from Viana to Logroño (about 10 km) then took the bus to Burgos. Its quite a trip. 2 hours on the bus. But my foot is still in rough shape. We decided to skip the bike concept. I´ll just continue to take it easy until Ian gets here with shoes. Everytime I go into a zapateria (shoe store) and ask if they have my size 15 or 49.5 in Europe) they just laugh at me. So I´m gonna rock the flippie floppies for about 10 more days. Its not that bad except that its cold. Oh well. I think taking a bus is way more complicated than walking ... easier on the feet, but more complicated. we had to walk across Logroño (30 min) for their bus station. And then the bus stopped somewhere in Burgos, it didn´t look like a bus station, but we didn´t want to overshoot, so we just got off and started walking in the direction we figured we should. Then I asked someone for directions. We were headed the right way. But his directions weren´t clear, so we asked a couple more people and made our way and found some of the Camino markers. That was a very nice sign.
But we had to walk for about 1 hr 15 min from the bus till we found a hostel. And it's kind of wierd. Its a little off the Camino. Its in Burgos. Its free. But it locks all the time and you have to ring the grumpy hostel (or should I say hostile) guy to let us back in. Because I didn´t want to bother or see him again, Noah stayed while I looked for food so he could let me in. And there is no kitchen here. But I found some cold cuts and bread (and Kinder huevos!) and stuff for breakfast too. AND I found sliced cheese! It feels like I haven´t had cheese in forever (sorry Mary). So I´m pretty excited about that. But since the place locks and it's cold, Noah and I are going to lay low for the afternoon/evening.
Last night we had sausage, mushrooms, bell pepper, corn, tomato, and beans. The French people were very surprised that Americans knew about the Camino and that we could cook. They were just boiling eggs. We had a good meal last night.
We had some good maps for Navara (a state in Spain?) but we just left Navara today, so now our maps are no good. I´m hoping there is something in the hostel we can use. I saw a little pamphlet with the 5 things everyone should know and one of them is to carefully plan your route and where you will be each day ... I think that's dumb on this kind of trip. We just go until we are hungry and our body hurts. Then we get lunch and then we feel better enough to go to the next town. It's just too bad when the next town is way farther than the sign says!
I think that's it ... Oh, and I added a new profile picture on facebook special for a friend who likes to make fun of me for all my shirtless profile pictures. I have not been walking around without a shirt, I just took it off for the picture. But he likes to call me the ¨shirtless wonder¨so I decided to take the title international!
I´m out!
p.s. Seamus let me know later, that this grumpy hostel owner ended up being very friendly and helpful the next morning. Maybe the boys had woken him up from his siesta when they first checked in.